Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Internship #3

2. What is the biggest challenge face at your internship?

This week at internship was full of many surprises. I saw so many things that I never thought I would be able to see at the age of 16. One thing I got to see was a Code Blue. In a hospital a Code Blue is when a patient stops breathing and/or or their heart stops, in other words, they start to die.

I was on the 4th floor of the hospital when the nurse in the ICU called a code blue. The phlebotomist that I was with told me to go down to the ICU to see what was happening. When I got there, there was a doctor leaning over the unresponsive patient pumping his chest and about 8 nurses around him. There was something about knowing that this patient could very well die right before my eyes was extremely challenging for me. I think that sometimes at internship I forget that I am dealing with actual people in the hospital. I almost feel like I am on one of those TV shows. It's a surreal feeling.

Luckily the patient surrived.

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