Thursday, January 6, 2011

Internship #2

What are you most surprised by during your first week of internship and why?

I am most surprised about how much work is actually done in the lab. Being accident prone I have had my share of hospital visits and having to have blood drawn and tests done and I never really thought about all the work that actually goes into making sure the right tests are done and how hard it might be to keep track of one persons blood samples because there are hundreds maybe thousands of peoples blood in there at once. I am also surprised about how much I actually get to do. I have complete access to the whole hospital, including the break room, and I get to see things that most high school students don't get to see. I am 16 years old and I've seen two placentas be grossed, a uterus, I've watched someone draw blood from a patient, I've picked up samples from the ER, seen stool be put onto slides... I've seen it all. I can't wait to see what the next weeks have in store for me.

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