Monday, September 13, 2010

Blog #5

1. What aspect of the American Icons artist statement has been most successful for you? Why?

While writing the American Icons artist statement I think the easiest or most successful part for me was getting really connected with my icon. I have been a huge fan of Elvis' for a long time but it wasn't until this project that I realized that he was a true American Icon and that I wish I could be like him. Maybe not the drugs and King of Rock 'n' Roll part but in the way that he really influenced the U.S

2. What writing tip(s) have been the most helpful? Why?

The most helpful writing tip for me has been the Concerts NOT Pancakes. I really want to be able to start off and finish my artist statement strongly so that the ready doesn't get bored or thinks to themselves "what was the point of reading that?" I want them to take something from my writing. Whether is a new fact that they learned or something that leaves them thinking until the next day.

3. What aspect of the artist statement has been most challenging? Why?

The most challenging part of this assignment was not making it a biography on your icon. Whenever I go to write about someone else I automatically write in the form of a biography but I know that's not what the assignment is. I honestly feel that I didn't do very well with this. I feel that my artist statement is mostly a biography with some parts where I relate myself to him.

4. What writing tip is most challenging? Why?

The most challenging writing tip so far has been the loop. I feel that my writing as a bit of a loop but not a significantly noticeable one. A loop has an intro including facts, story, character development, etc... the body paragraphs giving more detail, and an outro which should leave the reader with something to think about. I feel that I have all of these aspects but they aren't very strong.

5. Post a section of your writing that you are currently working on. List at least three questions that, if answered, would help you improve your work.

Unfortunately not all icons are happy at the end of their lives. Elvis started hanging out with the wrong crowd and got into the drugs and bad habits. He got a divorce which took effect on October 9th, 1973 taking a toll on his mental health. Twice during the year he overdosed on barbiturates, a medication to treat depression, spending three days in a coma in his hotel suite after the first incident. He "felt that by getting drugs from a doctor, he wasn't the common everyday junkie getting something off the street." After his comeback he continued to stage more live shows and in 1974 scheduled a tour and continued on with his life until August 16th, 1977 where he was found dead in the bathroom from an overdose of several drugs. Even though Elvis was living his dream we was still sucked into the not so good part of being famous and if he never got into any of that he'd have a chance at still being alive today. He let a lot of people down but no one is perfect, not even icons.

Above is my "outro." To me it sounds too much like a biography, same with my intro.

1. How can I make it less of a bio?
2. How can I create more of a loop?
3. How can I get the same amount of information across in fewer words? (It wont fit on one side of the paper)

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