Thursday, September 9, 2010

Blog #4

I have always had an interest in music, but not the "popular" rap or rock songs. I'm more interested in the older genres, like Elvis Presley. Elvis was born into a non wealthy, working class, family in 1935 living in a small house that his father and uncle built. Since there was little money in the picture his mother and father did their best to provide for their only son. At the age of ten Elvis performed in a youth talent show winning fifth place. Soon after, he gets his first guitar and starts his career. It truly amazes me that you can literally go from rags to riches all you have to do is put your heart and soul into what you love doing.

Unfortunately not all icons are happy at the end of their lives. Elvis started hanging out with the wrong crowd and got into the drugs and bad habits. He got a divorce which took effect on October 9th, 1973 taking a toll on his mental health. Twice during the year he overdosed on barbiturates, a medication to treat depression, spending three days in a coma in his hotel suite after the first incident. He "felt that by getting drugs from a doctor, he wasn't the common everyday junkie getting something off the street." After his comeback he continued to stage more live shows and in 1974 scheduled a tour and continued on with his life until August 16th, 1977 where he was found dead in the bathroom from an overdose of several drugs. Even though Elvis was living his dream we was still sucked into the not so good part of being famous and if he never got into any of that he'd have a chance at still being alive today. He let a lot of people down but no one is perfect, not even icons.

1. I chose this combo because I feel that it really got a lot of information through without it being overwhelming. The reader gets a good idea of who my icon actually is and why.
2. My big idea is that the Rock 'n' Roll music today wouldn't be the way it is if Elvis didn't come along. He really influenced that genre of music. I feel that explained this well not only in the 1st and last paragraph but throughout the whole paper.
3. I ended my paper with an interesting thought. I mentioned that even though they may be an icon doesn't mean everything they did was perfect. Elvis got into drugs, Walt Disney was racist but they are both some of the most famous people. I feel that things like that are really interesting.

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