Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Last Blog of the First Semester

1. Describe your feelings about your experiences in Humanities this semester, post exhibition.

All my experiences were positive in humanities this semester. I really liked all of the work that we did and it was amazing that we were able to make two completed books, AND SELL THEM AT EXHIBITION, in this one, short, semester. I feel that I learned a lot so far this year and I can't wait to see what I'll learn next semester.

2. What are the most significant new ideas and/or intellectual concepts that you developed this semester?

During this semester we learned a lot about the Constitution and all the amendments. Before this year I never really took the time to sit down and actually read the Constitution and the amendments but we did in class and it is actualyl pretty interesting. I think it is important to know what is in the Constitution because that is basically what runs our country.

3. What are the most valuable skills that you developed this semester?

All the skills I developed this semester was for writing. I think these skills are valuable because we do so much writing in our lives that it is important to know how to do it well. All the writing tips we do in class are extremely helpful and will help everyone in the class in the future whether they know it or not.

4. What are your goals and plans for next semester?

The only goal I have for next semester is to stay on top of my work and turn it all in on time. If I do this then I feel that next semester will be not as stressful as this one was.

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