Sunday, December 5, 2010

Blog #19

1. What are you most proud of in your Life: The Book writing? Try to describe this is detail!

What I submitted into this book was very personal to me and my family and I really wanted to make sure I did everything well. I am most proud of the way I was able to take something that really did happen and turn it into an educational article. I took everything that I could from my uncle's story and turned it into a learning experience. I talked about the different kind of treatments and what they did as well as the financial part and healthcare part of the situation. I love my final article.

2. What are some changes or new ideas that you have developed in your writing through the course of this semester?

New things that I learned to do with my writing through this article is that even though this is a Humanities class it's ok to add information that pertains to other classes. For this article, since I am in honors for every class, I was required to go in detail with one topic for math, humanities, and biology. I think that doing this actually made the article more interesting. If I just focused on the humanities of the article through out the whole thing then it might be boring. But if you talk about the other topics that relate to the main topic then, i feel, that it's more interesting to read.

3. If you had a little more time to work on your writing for LifE: The Book, what would you do differently? What would you change about your writing?

While I am extremely proud of my final piece of writing I still think that I could have fixed a few things. One thing I would have liked to change is the amount of biology I have in my paper. I made sure that I have a topic in for every class for the honors requirements but I feel that I put a little too much biology into the article. I, personally, find it really easy to write about biology related topics so I think that I went a little biology crazy but other than that I really think I did a good job on my article.

4. How has the additional element of publication in a book affected the way you approach writing?

Before this year I felt that writing was just a big waste of time. I never liked to do it and I wouldn't give it my all when I had to do it. However this year I feel that my feelings towards writing has changed. We do so much of it that I almost have to like it. Also, knowing that my writing will be going into an actual book makes me work much harder. Knowing that people that might actually read my work, people that I don't know, I want them to see a complete, well written piece of writing instead of something that was just thrown together half heartedly. I worked really hard on this book and I really hope that the final piece is amazing.

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