Friday, October 15, 2010

Blog #13

Cancer Treatment- Adulthood

1. The Big Idea—the science, the humanities & the relevant stage of life.

The science part of this would be the different treatments that cancer patients go through such as radiation, surgery, etc. The humanities part of this would be the issue of the side affects of the radiation and other treatments.

2. A picture that represents the big idea

3. A quick description of the genetic science involved.

The genetic science that is involved in this issue would be that you are using extremely harmful rays to kill any of the cancer cells that are found in your body. The issue with this is that you are also killing "normal" cells which you need.

4. A more substantial explanation of the relevant cultural, historical, geographical, economic and/or governmental context and history.

Cancer treatment has been an issue for a long time. While it may be extremely helpful to some, it can also hurt them or even kill them in the long run. Some people argue that to treat cancer you basically have to kill yourself to survive.

Designer babies-Conception & Pregnancy

1. The Big Idea—the science, the humanities & the relevant stage of life.

The science of this would be that you can use new technology and scientific break throughs to choose what color your baby's eyes are. The humanities of this would be that there are several religious issues that comes with this.

2. A picture that represents the big idea

I was not able to find a picture that represents the big idea for this but through my research I found this article that really gives you an idea of what people cause do to their unborn child.

3. A quick description of the genetic science involved.

The genetic science that is involved with this is being able to go into the embryo and alter the DNA to make the baby be born with a certain color eyes.

4. A more substantial explanation of the relevant cultural, historical, geographical, economic and/or governmental context and history.

This is an issue with some people because you are messing with the unborn child's genes and DNA to make them look a certain way. Some people that this is wrong and should not be done. On the other hand some people love the ability to choose what their child looks like.

Growth hormones used in sports-Adulthood

1. The Big Idea—the science, the humanities & the relevant stage of life.

The science in this topic is the use of hormones. Hormones can be injected and/or taken in pill form and they can be used to build muscle. For the humanities part, people feel that using extra hormones in sports is considered "cheating" and that its not fair.

2. A picture that represents the big idea.

I also could not find an image for this topic but I, once again, found an article that I found interesting and beneficial

3. A quick description of the genetic science involved.

The science in this topic includes the use of these extra hormones. Whether they are injected or taken in pill form or any other way, they are messing with your natural hormones in order to make you stronger.

4. A more substantial explanation of the relevant cultural, historical, geographical, economic and/or governmental context and history.

Like I mentioned before, some people are against the use of extra hormones because it is messing with your natural hormones in your body but they also consider it cheating. Many people who play sports use these hormones to help their performance.

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