Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Blog #10

What was/were the root cause(s) of Michael Westerman's death?

I believe the root causes of his death was lack of education. He was shot for flying the confederate flag on the back of his truck while driving through a "black" neighborhood. He didn't exactly know what the flag meant he just knew that he was supposed to like it and Freddie Morrow, Michael's killer, didn't know what the flag meant, he just knew that he was supposed to not like the flag and as a result for their ignorance Michael was shot and killed. When the school was accused of having a racist symbol as their mascot they said that it would be taking away their rights to take away that symbol.

"Blacks just need to get over slavery, you can't live in the past. Blacks don't really have anything against the flag. They just don't want us to have it. They want the best jobs, the biggest money. Now they want this. If we lose the mascot, it'll just be a matter of time before we lose everything," said Frances Chapman, a retired nurse. "Don't put us where they used to be"

This quote basically implies that they know that they're being racist and that slavery is "ok" as long as it's not happening to them. They also feel like they are the minority in this situation, like their rights are being taken away from them but in reality no rights are being taken away, rights are just given to others.

"For both Sharpe and Chapman, the rebel banner represented a finger in the dike, the last brake against a noisome tide of minority rights that was fast eroding the status of whites."

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