Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Semester 2 Blog #5

Pitch 1:

For my ampersand article one of my ideas is to write about what the dress code was like and why it was that way. The dress code for the hospital was different than I thought it would be but for good reasons.

Pitch 2:

Another thing I could write about is what it was like to see all the different body parts that I saw and all the different "codes" I saw such as a code blue. The focus of this could be to be aware of your surroundings because on several occasions I forgot that I was in an actual hospital with actual patients.

Pitch 3:

One other thing I could write about is my addiction to cafeteria food. Before going into internship I swore to myself that I wouldn't eat that food. I ended up going to the cafeteria to get snacks and/or coffee at least twice a day.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Semester 2 Blog #4


I think this article provides some inspiration for my ampersand article because of the title. It really grabs your attention right when you read it. I want my article to do the same. The title is one of the first things that the reader will come across and you really want it to spark some interest in order for them to want to read your article.


This article gives me some inspiration because of the layout. I really like how there are some bolded sections to tell the reader what that part of the writing will be about. I think that it really keeps the article organized when you have some specific sections and I also find it a lot more visually appealing than just several paragraphs in a row.


This provides some inspiration because of the pictures that go along with the topic of writing. As a reader I know that I always enjoy reading things that have pictures to go along with it and so as a writer I feel that I should add some into my article. This article also has the separated sections that I like, as I mentioned before.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Semester 2 Blog #3


This interview between Oprah and Ellen DeGeneres starts out with a lot of background information about Ellen. It then goes right into the interview in "question, answer, question, answer.." format which I find to be the most effective way to write an interview. Not only does it give the name of the person and then what they said, but it also gives what the person did. For example it would say: Ellen- [Laughs] etc....


This interview with George Lopez follows a similar style to the previous one with Ellen. It has an intro talking about who George Lopez is and what all of his shows are. It then goes into the question and answer interview. The question is bolded and has the initials of the interviewer before it while the answer has the initials of the interviewee (GL).

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Semester 2 Blog #2

What have you read lately (say, since last semester), that you found interesting?

During the time at my internship I decided to read the entire medical dictionary. I decided to do this because my internship was medical related and it just really inspired me to go out and do some further learning. Even though I can not remember half of what I read, at the time I found it interesting. There were many large words that I swear were not even English that I couldn't pronounce but that did not take away from my learning. Hepaticocholangiocholecystenterostomy was one of those words....

Why did it catch your attention?

This really caught my attention because I am so incredibly interested in anything medical related. I plan on going to medical school after college and may try to do some pre-med as well. I might as well get a head start on trying to learn, or even just be able to pronounce, some of the words.


For those who were wondering a hepaticocholangiocholecystenterostomy is the surgical creation of a new communication between the gallbladder and the hepatic duct and between the intestine and gallbladder.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Semester 2 Blog #1

What are the big ideas that you are taking from internship into the next steps in your life?

The big ideas that I am taking from internship and applying them to the next steps in my life include being confident in what you're working on. When working in a hospital you never want to look like you don't know what you're doing because you are working with patients and you want them to feel comfortable. I also learned that no matter how educated you are, there is always something new to learn. You don't want to just settle with the common knowledge of your profession. Outside knowledge can really help you when working in the medical field.

What are your plans for the coming semester?

My plans for this semester are to just continue to challenge myself with all my work and to go above and beyond the requirements to the class and any projects. I really want to finish my junior year of high school on a strong note and hopefully I can carry that on to my senior year.