Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Blog #1

1. Please outline your hopes for your upcoming junior year. What are your overall hopes, dreams, wishes and goals for the year?

I really hope to learn a lot this year. I have heard from so many people that this is the year that really counts and I would like to make the best of it. I want to excel in everything I do and make sure that I am enjoying what I am learning. My goal is to do well on the SAT and ACT tests. A wish I have for this year is to learn something knew everyday. Everyone always says "You learn something new everyday" and I want to make that true for myself whether it be something new about a person or a new math trick or who my American icon really is.

2. Let's get a little more specific. Tell us about what you hope to accomplish or learn from your experiences in this Humanities class.

I really hope to gain some writing skills. I've always enjoyed writing but I feel that I've never been really good at it. I am a very shy person and I don't really like to share any of the thoughts or ideas I may have but I do write some of them down. Writing is really how I get my full opinion out. I don't feel comfortable sitting face to face with someone and saying how I feel about something specific. So I guess I'd like to improve my writing skills and maybe get over my fear of people.

3. What is something that you do in your life that naturally try to do well (Are you seriously good at video games? cooking? Are you an athlete?)? How do you naturally develop this talent within yourself?

People tell me that I am a natural athlete. I have played a lot of sports in my short life already such as Golf, Tennis, Softball, Squash, Swim, Track and Cross Country. I love to play sports. It's a great way to get your mind off of things and whenever I get really good at a sport, such as softball, I feel accomplished. When I was 12 I played on a team with 14-15 year old girls, that was a huge accomplishment for me. On that team we made it to the Triple Crown World Series in Park City, Utah in 2007. Softball has always been a really big part of my life and I feel like it will be forever.

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